Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sept. 10,2009

It is Thursday. Two more days to go!! Kyle and I have been working on a sign for the reception together. So far so good.......We will go get the tuxes today and check on a few things. Kim and Tom, Jessica, Wyatt, Rylie and Melissa all arrived safely yesterday. The Bells were all at the Haynie house for a while. The kids are shy but that is normal with all. The weather is cloudy, cool and windy today. It is suppose to be sunny and 80 Saturday. One day at a time. Clayton is down from Phillie and we are all on a run-walk today and running tomorrow. I hope you all have a blessed day!!

1 comment:

The Boe's ~ said...

I LOVE all your posts aunt nora. Think you'll do one saturday too--just for me =)