Saturday, June 27, 2015

Catching up in 2015
I had planned on sitting down a writing something about our first half of 2015.
But it seems we have been very very busy so I will mostly share photos.
 Thw inter months were nice. We were able to plant, water and eat from the 
green house. Harper loves to be out there.
 It had much much more later in the spring.
 Taking a break
 There is always time to puddle jump:)
 And to find Easter eggs
 And to die Easter eggs

 Time to play
 Time to plant bolts
 Time to teeter tawter with GG
 GG bought a new pool
 We learned about Ants
 We were able to go camping for a short weekend.
 Aron & Jenna built a new home
 Clay & Becky bought a new home
 We celebrated Harper J's 2nd birthday
 I am 2!
 And the hardest of it all - we said good by to
Princess Lady Bee Black as Night
The boys bought Lady while I was in Ohio (secretly looking for a puppy lab)
for Duane and Tami's wedding. Sept of 2000. Lady was born 7/4/2000.
She loved to camp, ride in the truck, take walks, eat cans, eat all food and little league candy. She cost us a case of candy more than once.......
She would steal Patti's work lunches in a flash, And I believe she ate a pack of cigarettes one time. She could slide and eat a pizza out of a box, she liked bars of soap, she played well with other dogs and stopped chasing cars after she got struck. Lady made a great pillow for the boys growing up. She was a good guard dog, a great companion and friend to us all. But I think she loved the snow the best. This past winter she still turned into a lively puppy when it snowed. And it snowed a lot! She would run and prance like a reindeer. She dragged me all over the field and to the sisters down yonder but when she was ready to head home she did just that. She would lay out in the sun on top of the snow, dig holes under our camper and sleep. We lost her more than once doing that. One thing she did not like was a shot gun. So we never got to hunt her. She would go hide somewhere when she just saw a gun. She also never stole our Thanksgiving turkey - but She would get any unattended plates full of food quick! She seem to like Katie's best. She was a great vacuum too. Always following the little ones around when they had cheese or cookies.
But in May on a very hot muggy day. (We knew in our hearts this might be her last summer with us.) She got over heated and her oxygen dropped so we took her to the vet. After getting it up and doing an ex-ray  we realized there was much more wrong and what we had to do. Wade and I buried her by our bedroom window and planted a rose. She was almost 15.  Lady you are missed dearly and daily.  I still hear you walking in the house. Rocco misses you too. I know if there is snow in Heaven you found it. And if not I know when I walk in it next that you will be with me. I miss you dear friend!!

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