Wednesday, January 13, 2016

 Happy Thanksgiving 2015!!! My favorite holiday and the weather was wonderful!
The kids were all going to the inlaws for dinner so we had breakfest with them instead.
The weather was so nice we could sit and have breakfest ourdoors!

Kyle loves to cook a turkey with all the fixings. I don't like anyone to be home alone.
We usally end up with a crowd and that is ok. This year it was only
the Serman's but it was still a crowd:)
 Dinner was plentyful and so was dessert! Amber can make some mean pies.
No materr what kind. They are always great! We should probably just have a black Friday 
dessert day. Then we could all really enjoy it.
 The 3 "little ones" (as dad would call Patti, Katie and I) 
were having a pow wow.
 This year for a first we had Jason, Maia and Gavin.
It was great to have them back. The kids took over the toys
and had a blast.
 Mom mom Joyce had hurt her elbow earlie that week. Olivia 
was playing some tunes for her.
 I get running around and forget to take group pictures.
I caught this group before they vacated for their couches. Like
I said Amber makes a mean pie.
 I love these girls! I was blessed to be in on their births. It is wonderful to see them
grow up and I can't (but I can) wait to see who they become.
 Cousins Ava, Gavin and Olivia
And of course MY "Super stars"!!
See you next year everyone!

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